融通票据又称金融票据或空票据,是指一种既没有原因债务也没有对价的授受,专门为取得金钱的融通而发出的票据.它不是以商品交易为基础发生的票据,而是为了资金融通签发的一种特殊票据。其对应英文为“Accommodation Paper”或者“Accommodation Bill”。Accommodation Paper is a negotiable instrument and a type of commercial paper, signed by one party as a favor to another party. Person who signs the instrument is the accommodation party and person in whose favor the instrument is signed is the accommodated party. Accommodation party signs the instrument without receiving any consideration in return. The accommodation party acts as surety for accommodated party who remains primarily liable. It has the purpose of enabling the accommodated party to obtain money or credit. Accommodation paper guarantees that the money lent will be repaid by the accommodation party on the date specified in the commercial paper if the accommodated party fails to repay it
第 165(a) 条规定了对以下行为的惩罚:为资助恐怖主义赚取、转移或提供金钱、融通票据、外币、产权或其他财产或不动产。
Article 165 (a) penalized gaining, transferring or offering money, accommodation bills, foreign currency, propriety rights or other possessions or real estate with a view to financing terrorism.