美国1933年《证券法》规定,原则上所有证券发行销售都需要经过交易注册,除非得到注册豁免。因此,上市公司在发行证券时,一般情况下需要向证券交易委员会提交注册表。这里的S-8表(Form S-8)则是上市公司就其在员工福利计划(Employee Benefit Plan)中提供的证券向证券交易委员会提交的文件。证券交易委员会要求公司在根据1933年《证券交易法》发行这些证券之前对其进行注册。证券交易委员会通常希望通过提供准确而充分的信息,同时平衡负担来保护投资者免遭欺诈。该表格必须在公司发行这些证券之前提交,且不能用于向顾问或推广公司股票的顾问发行股票。证券交易委员会会向完成S-8申报的公司收取费用。 S-8表格的注册费基于股票价值和根据该计划发行的股票数量。
以下是投资百科中对这一表格的解释:SEC Form S-8 refers to a filing that allows public companies to register securities it offers as part of an employee benefit plan. Companies are required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to register these securities before they are issued under the Securities Exchange Act of 1933. The SEC generally intends these filings to protect investors from fraud by providing them accurate and sufficient information while balancing the burden placed on issuing entities with regard to reporting.
Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, to be in effect immediately prior to the completion of the Registrant’s initial public offering.《经修订和重述的章程大纲》,将于注册人首次公开发行完成前立即生效。
Amended and Restated Bylaws, to be in effect immediately prior to the completion of the Registrant’s initial public offering.《经修订和重述的章程细则》,将于注册人首次公开发行完成前立即生效。
Form of Common Stock Certificate.普通股股份证书的格式。
Opinion of AAA. AAA出具的意见书
Consent of Ernst & Young LLP, independent registered public accounting firm. 独立注册会计师事务所安永会计师事务所出具的同意书
Consent of AAA. AAA出具的同意书
Power of Attorney. 委托书
2017 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended. 经修订的《2017年股权激励计划》
Form of Stock Option Grant Notice and Stock Option Agreement under 2017 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended. 经修订的《2017年股权激励计划》项下《股票期权授予通知书》及《股票期权协议》的格式
2021 Incentive Award Plan. 《2021年激励授予计划》
2021 Employee Stock Purchase Plan. 《2021年员工股票认购计划》