“Stock split ”和“reverse stock split ”分别指的是什么?

“Stock split ”和“reverse stock split ”分别指的是什么?


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“Stock split ”指的是股票分割,又称股票拆细,即将一张较大面值的股票拆成几张较小面值的股票。 股票分割对公司的资本结构不会产生任何影响,一般只会使发行在外的股票总数增加,资产负债表中股东权益各账户(股本、资本公积、留存收益)的余额都保持不变,股东权益的总额也保持不变。A stock split is a corporate action in which a company divides its existing shares into multiple shares. Basically, companies choose to split their shares so they can lower the trading price of their stock to a range deemed comfortable by most investors and increase the liquidity of the shares。

比如说, 陈小姐拥有1,000股波音公司(BA)的股票,当公司宣布2:1股票分割后,陈小姐原有的1,000股股票便会变为2,000股。1,000 x (2/1) = 2,000

如果1股股票原先价钱是$40元,那么分割后的价钱便为:$40 x (1/2) = $20

基本上股票的总价值还是一样的。在股票未分割前它的价值是$40,000元 (1,000股 x $40元)。分割后它的总价值还是$40,000元 (2,000股 x $20元)。

“reverse stock split ”指的是将公司已发行的股份数量缩小至少量股份,而股东所持股份的比例不变,亦不会对股东造成损失。这不如股票分割常见,通常只在股价较低时出现。这一行动会抬高股票的名义价格,但不会影响股票的价值,因为每一缩小数量的股份却代表对公司更多的所有权,也称“逆股票分割”,等于stock consolidation并股。A reverse stock split divides the existing total quantity of shares by a number such as five or ten, which would then be called a 1-for-5 or 1-for-10 reverse split, respectively. A reverse stock split is also known as a stock consolidation, stock merge, or share rollback and is the opposite exercise of a stock split, where a share is divided (split) into multiple parts.

比如说, 陈小姐拥有1,000股波音公司(BA)的股票,当公司宣布1:2股票分割后,陈小姐原陈小姐原有的1,000股股票便会变为500股。1,000 x (1/2) = 500

如果1股股票原先价钱是$40元,那么分割后的价钱便为:$40 x (2/1) = $80



The Chairman pointed out the 10 for 1 stock split took place as early as 2 November 2009 which was more than twenty days before the first trading day of Asian Citrus shares in the HK Exchange. 主席指出,亚洲果业的股份早在其于联交所上市首个交易日前20多天的2009年11月2 日已一拆十。

In the event the Company conducts a share split or reverse share split after the allotment date, the exercise price shall be adjusted by the following formula, where a fraction of less than one yen resulting from the adjustment shall be rounded up.

