法定继承人(Heir at law, Heir(s), Heir legal,lawful heirs):在普通法中,指被继承人无遗嘱死亡时,有权继承被继承人所有或占有的土地、保有地产和其他可继承财产的人。等同于「一般法定继承人」〔general heir〕,或更为简单的术语「法定继承人」〔heirs〕。但该词不必专指普通法的法定继承人〔heirs at common law〕,后者仅指在无遗嘱的情况下继承死者不动产的人。在不法致死法〔wrongful death statute〕中,指直系卑亲属。
限定继承人(heir beneficiary):(罗马法)根据接受继承的方式,将继承人分为非限定继承人和限定继承人。前者指以明示或默示方式无保留地接受继承之人;后者指享受财产清册利益〔beneficium inventarii〕的继承人。如继承人认为遗产所负担之债务超过其资产,则可依法造具财产清册,这样,他就可在所继承资产的范围内偿还死者所欠的债务,不足部分不负清偿之责。
1.约定继承人(heir of provision,heir institute, heir conventional):指依书面文件的条款而继承遗产之继承人。
2.特定继承人:〈英〉指限定继承地产权〔entailed estate〕的继承人。
3.血亲继承人(heir of blood):基于血缘关系而继承遗产之继承人,尊血亲或卑血亲均可,包括非婚生子女,但不包括配偶和养子女。
4.自然继承人(natural heirs):指因血缘关系而存在的继承人,即直系卑亲属继承人,区别于旁系继承人〔collateral heir〕、因收养而形成的继承人及配偶等法定继承人〔statutory heir〕。
5.推定继承人(presumptive heir):若被继承人即刻死亡,其将成为继承人;一旦在被继承人死亡前有血缘关系更近的继承人出生,则其将不再具有继承人资格。
(1)Except as otherwise herein expressly provided, every question or difference that shall arise between the Company and any of the members of the Company or any officer of the Company, or the heirs, executors, or administrators of such member or officer whether as to the construction, operation or effect of these Presents, or as to any right, duty, obligation or liability of the Company or of such member or officer of the Company, or the heirs, executors, administrators or assigns of such member, officer or otherwise, shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Ordinance, Cap. 341 or any statutory modification or alteration thereof, and the decision of the arbitrators or (as the case may be) of the umpire shall be final and binding on all parties to the difference.
除本文另行明确规定外,本公司与本公司任何股东或本公司之任何主管人员或有关股东或主管人员之法定继承人、执行人或管理人间就有关该等条文之制定、运作或作用,或有关本公司或本公司有关股东或主管人员或有关股东、主管人员或其他人士之法定继承人、执行人、管理人或受让人之任何权利、职务、责任或负债而产生之每个疑问或分歧须根据第 341 章仲裁 条例或任何法规修正或有关法规更变之规定提交仲裁,而仲裁员或(视情况而定)裁决人之裁决将为最终定论,并对产生分歧之所有各方人士具有约束力。
(2)It points to the decisions of the Constitutional Court, which on several occasions has attested to the constitutionality of the requirement, and in the present case considered that it was not possible that the heir beneficiary to the property would have more rights than the original owner.