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Judge(a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides how a person who is guilty of a crime should be punished, or who makes decisions on legal matters: the person who officially decides who is the winner of a competition)

Judge可指很多场合中的裁决者,如judge of the diamond at the show及 judge of the cars等,但在法律语言学中,严格说来,judge唯一的含义即是“法官”,不论其是经指定或任命的而获得职位的。当然若某句话主要讲述的是法庭中的裁判者,其也就相当于指的是法官,在此情况下,这里的裁判者、裁决者也是可以直接译为Judge的。


高度优先考虑消除执法中的性别偏向,提高执法官员的能力,以妥善 处理对妇女的暴力侵害问题,包括酌情为警察和安全部队、检察官、法官和律师 提供系统的性别敏感的宣传培训,将性别观念纳入安全部门改革措施,制定议定 书和准则,强化或设立对裁决者的适 当的问责措施。 

To place a high priority on removing gender bias from the administration of justice and enhancing the capacity of law enforcement officials to deal appropriately with violence against women, including by providing systematic gender-sensitivity and awareness training, as appropriate, for police and security forces, prosecutors, judges and lawyers, integrating gender into security sector reform initiatives, developing protocols and guidelines, and enhancing or putting in place appropriate accountability measures for adjudicators. 

Arbiter和arbitrator均可用作指“仲裁员”,但在这种含义上,后者比前者通用。arbiter属于书面语,更常用于指无正式授权或职务,而凭借威望以作裁决或制定标准者。从裁决的方式上看,arbiter受制于法律规则,而arbitrator则可按自己的判断行使自由裁量权(但Arthur A. Leff却对此区别持异议)。 在罗马法中,arbiter还可用作指被授予自由裁量权的法官,或经裁判官(praetor)指定按衡平法规则审理属于善意动机类案件 (bona fidei)者。如:

Being the arbiter of deciding whether to accept and when to distribute the content produced by outside parties, PBS makes itself accountable to its viewers and member stations for the quality and integrity of the programmes concerned.

公营广播网身为仲裁人, 可决定是否接受及何时传送外界人士/机构制作的节目内容,故 此须就有关节目的质素及完整性,向观众和成员电视台负责。 

The arbitrator also concluded that to maintain a remuneration which is reasonable but not excessive, it would be necessary to prevent NHKTC’s remuneration falling below an IRR on equity of about 15%. 

仲裁人亦裁定,为了维持一个合理但非过多的报酬,则有需要防止新香港隧道有限公司的报酬低于 15%的股本内部回报率。

Referee 和 umpire 也可用作指 arbitrator;此外, referee其实多用于足球或搏击比赛的裁判,此外,还常用作指由法院命令或指定,就未决案件作额外的调查、取证、听审当事人、且提交相关报告的专家(或律师);此种referee的指定可不需有关当事人的同意,此时,其为“托查官(人)”(即能对未决事项进行听审且将结果报告法院的准司法官,通常为律师,经法官任命以处理某事项,源于委托,因其处理之事项是法院专门“委托”的)W。在用作指仲裁时, umpire则常表示在两个或多个仲裁员意见不和时,被指定作终局裁决的“首席仲裁员”。如:

Except as otherwise herein expressly provided, every question or difference that shall arise between the Company and any of the members of the Company or any officer of the Company, or the heirs, executors, or administrators of such member or officer whether as to the construction, operation or effect of these Presents, or as to any right, duty, obligation or liability of the Company or of such member or officer of the Company, or the heirs, executors, administrators or assigns of such member, officer or otherwise, shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Ordinance, Cap. 341 or any statutory modification or alteration thereof, and the decision of the arbitrators or (as the case may be) of the umpire shall be final and binding on all parties to the difference. 

除本文另行明确规定外,本公司与本公司任何股东或本公司之任何主管人员 或有关股东或主管人员之继承人、执行人或管理人间就有关该等条文之制定、运作或作用,或有关本公司或本公司有关股东或主管人员或有关股东、主管人员或其他人士之继承人、执行人、 管理人或受让人之任何权利、职务、责任或负债而产生之每个疑问或分歧须根据第 341 章仲裁 条例或任何法规修正或有关法规更变之规定提交仲裁,而仲裁员或(视情况而 定 ) 裁 决人之裁决将为最 终定论,并对产生分歧之所有各方人士具有约束力。

An assistant referee will also provide assistance to the referee in the performance of any of the referee’s duties as directed by the referee.

