general demurrer (也称为 general exception)为“一般抗辩”,指就指控事实不充足,即不能构成充足诉因而进行抗辩。A general demurrer addresses substantive legal problems with the complaint.
special demurrer为“特殊抗辩”,则是就诉状的格式或结构不当而提起的抗辩,一般需指出诉状中具体的不当部分。A special demurrer objects to the form of the complaint and asks the court to dismiss the complaint based on lack of compliance with the rules governing the form.
speaking demurrer则为“以讲述新事实而进行的抗辩”,是以讲述诉辩状中未有的且法院也不了解的事实的方式进行的一种抗辩。A speaking demurrer is an attempt to use a demurrer to challenge the factual claims of a complaint. Doing so is improper, because a demurrer assumes that all of the complaint's factual claims are true.