brief 在法律专业语境下的专业含义为:a written argument submitted to the court by counsel setting forth facts and/or law supporting his or her client's cases.
在法律文书中,brief 是诉讼双方律师撰写的向法院提交的一种相当重要的法律文书。按其内容讲,brief可以分为两大类,即 trial court brief 和appellate court brief。二者均有严格的格式要求。一般格式要求包括:
statement of issue
statement of the case
statement of the facts
summary of the argument
standard of review
brief 也是在上诉法院控辩双方律师口头辩论的基础。有时候,上诉法院根本不用开庭,法官会直接在双方律师提交的brief基础上直接作出判决。
While, generally, this strategy has saved time in completing firstinstance trials, the volume of materials involved in such multiple-accused cases, including evidence, transcripts, briefs and submissions, represents a dramatic increase in the workload of the Appeals Chamber as these cases reach it.
尽管这一策略总体来说节省了完成一审审理所需时间,但此类多 名被告案件涉及的材料的数量,包括证据、记录誊本 、 辩护状 和 意 见书,意味着 当这些多名被告案送抵上诉分庭时,该分庭的工作量会急剧增加。
On 29 July 2021, the Council of State, being both judge and party, submitted a defence brief in response to the application on the merits filed by the author.
2021 年7月29 日,既是法官又是当事方的行政法院针对提交人提出的案情 申诉提交了一份被告辩护状。