第一种:Letter of Intent
合同意向书的主要目的在于明确须经协商的重点条款,保护有关当事方的利益,告知交易性质。一般情况下,合同意向书的条款会涉及某些特定规定、要求、时间表和有关当事方。此外,也可能包括保密条款(non-disclosure agreement)和禁止招揽条款(no-solicitation agreement),明确规定有关当事方可以披露和必须保密的内容,并且禁止一方招揽另一方的员工。
第二中:Letter of Indemnity
“A letter of indemnity (LOI) is a contractual document that guarantees certain provisions will be met between two parties. Such letters are traditionally drafted by third-party institutions like banks or insurance companies, which agree to pay financial restitution to one of the parties, should the other party fail to live up to its obligations. In other words, the chief function of an LOI is to ensure that Party A won't ultimately suffer any losses if Party B falls delinquent.”
从上述解释可以看出,letter of indemnity指的是在合同一方违约的情况下由第三方确保另一方免受损害的法律协议,该第三方通常为银行或保险公司。在该层面上,与赔偿保险(indemnity insurance)类似。该协议可译为“赔偿保证书”。
1. 原文:In the event of any inconsistency between this Letter of Intent and the final legal documents, the final legal documents shall prevail.
2. 原文:The Transferor does not execute any oral or written agreement, contract or letter of intent in respect of the donation, sale, replacement, trust or pledge of the Target Equity that is sufficient to affect the Transferee to acquire the Equity of the Target Company with any other third party.
3. 原文:Currently, in order to protect itself against the risk of being required to deliver the cargo a second time, the carrier takes various precautionary steps including, in particular, requiring an indemnity (letter of indemnity) from the shipper or from the party requesting delivery of the cargo.
4. 原文:It was observed that the current practice of carriers faced with demands for delivery despite the absence of the negotiable transport document or electronic transport record was for carriers to demand from consignees a letter of indemnity often accompanied by a bank guarantee.