指行为人企图实施犯罪,但在实施犯罪过程中因受到阻碍而没有完成犯罪。系英美法上不完整罪〔inchoate crime〕的一种情形,与既遂犯〔attempted crime〕相对。未遂的成立要件:1具有实施犯罪的故意;2实施了接近完成该罪的外在行为〔overt act〕,而不仅仅是只有犯意或处于预备阶段〔preparation〕;3犯罪没有完成;4具有实施犯罪的明显可能性〔apparent possibility〕。
美国《模范刑法典》〔Model Penal Code〕关于未遂的规定具有下列特点:第一,实施了行为就算既遂的犯罪即行为犯之情形下,也可能存在犯罪未遂;第二,明确规定「不作为」〔omission〕的情况下有犯罪未遂;第三,「明知」〔knowledge〕故意也可能有犯罪未遂;第四,未遂的概念是指足以确证犯罪意图并将达到犯罪完成的实质性步骤的作为或不作为。(A person is guilty of an attempt to commit a crime if, acting with the kind of culpability otherwise required for commission of the crime, he: (a) purposely engages in conduct which would constitute the crime if the attendant circumstances were as he believes them to be; or(b) when causing a particular result is an element of the crime, does or omits to do anything with the purpose of causing or with the belief that it will cause such result without further conduct on his part; or (c) purposely does or omits to do anything which, under the circumstances as he believes them to be, is an act or omission constituting a substantial step in a course of conduct planned to culminate in his commission of the crime.)
因而,“未遂犯罪”可译为“attempt”或“attempted crime”。
“既遂犯罪”即“犯罪”,可将其直接译为“crime”,亦可加上修饰词committed,译为“committed crime”。
已记录在案的有基于性别的暴力攻击、强奸和强 奸未 遂,包括武装部队成员所犯的案件。
Gender-based violence assaults, rapes and attempted rapes, including by members of the armed forces, were documented.
对未遂犯罪减轻处罚,刑期为 既遂犯罪的四分之一至四分之三。
In case of attempt, the penalty is reduced by one-quarter to three-quarters of the penalty for the committed crime.