Alternative Minimum Tax在国内常被翻译为“替代最小赋税”。该词常缩写作AMT。
替代性最低税(AMT)是在常规税之外单独征收的一种税。在税法中,某些税收福利可以显著降低纳税人的应缴税金。而替代性最低税(AMT) 设定使用了这些福利的限制,适用于具有高收入的纳税人。它有助于确认高收入纳税人需缴纳的最低金额的税款。AMT 旨在防止纳税人通过税收减免逃避其应纳税份额。
替代性最低税(AMT)是确保纳税人至少支付最低税的税。在将某些税收优惠项目重新添加到调整后的总收入中之后,AMT 会重新计算所得税。AMT 使用一套单独的规则来计算允许的扣除额之后的应税收入。税收优惠扣除额加回到纳税人的收入中,以计算他或她的替代性最低应税收入(AMTI),然后减去AMT 免税额以确定最终应纳税数字。
当纳税人的收入超过免征额,并使用许多逐项扣除时,AMT 可能会被触发。在2020纳税年度,个人报税者的AMT 豁免额为72,900美元。对于已婚的联合申报者,这个数字是113,400美元。在2021纳税年度,个人的数字是73,600美元,夫妻的数字是114,600美元。需要注意的是,AMTI 超过特定阈值的纳税人没有资格获得AMT 豁免。单身申报者的阈值是518,400美元的AMTI,已婚联合申报的纳税人是1,036,800美元。
Alternative Minimum Tax的详细英文释义摘录如下供参考:
A tax calculation that adds certain tax preference items back into adjusted gross income. Alternative minimum tax (AMT) uses a separate set of rules to calculate taxable income after allowed deductions. Preferential deductions are added back, and then the AMT exemption is subtracted to get the AMT taxable income (AMTI). AMTI is then taxed at the current rate schedule to get tentative minimum tax (TMT). If TMT is higher than the regular tax liability for the year, the regular tax and the amount by which the TMT exceeds the regular tax are paid (i.e. the taxpayer pays the full TMT).
AMT is designed to prevent taxpayers from escaping their fair share of tax liability through certain tax breaks, although the structure is rife with controversy as it is not indexed to inflation or tax cuts. This causes a condition known as "bracket creep", whereby upper-middle-income taxpayers are becoming subject to this tax. In 2006, the IRS National Taxpayer Advocate reported that the AMT often punishes taxpayers for having children or living in high-tax states.