经查询,未找到有关“baby letter of credit”的中文含义,相关信息也比较少,但是在ICBC (Asia)的官网上找到了一个相关例句,即
“ICBC (Asia) can issue another L/C (known as baby L/C) involving the same goods with you as the applicant to your supplier based on the master L/C received by you as the beneficiary (back-to-back L/C) ; or the Bank may issue the baby L/C at the time of master L/C being drafted (front-to-back L/C).”
在前半句话中,出现了四处“L/C”,经过分析发现,“another L/C”“baby L/C”指的应该都是“back-to-back L/C”,也就是“背对背信用证”。据百度百科解释,背对背信用证(Back to Back Credit)是指受益人以原证为抵押,要求银行以原证为基础,另开立一张内容相似的信用证。这里提及的“原证”对应的就是该句中的“master L/C”。
就“master L/C”与“back-to-back L/C”而言,存在以下差异之处:
“Master L/C
Definition: This type of L/C is prepared by the buyer to import goods from the manufacturer.
Issued Bank: Issued by the buyer’s bank.
Types of L/C: It is a basic letter of credit or L/C.
Purpose: To import goods from the manufacturer.
Financial Value: It has a higher financial value than Back to Back L/C.
Back to Back L/C
Definition: This type of L/C is prepared by the manufacturer to collect raw materials from raw materials suppliers for production.
Issued Bank: Issued by the manufacturer’s bank.
Types of L/C: It depends on the master letter of credit
Purpose: To collect raw materials from the Raw material suppliers.
Financial Value: It has a lower financial value than the master letter of credit.”
从上述内容可以发现,“back-to-back L/C”是以“master L/C”为依据,并且价值也要低。那么,由于“master L/C”除了译为“原信用证”还有被译为“主信用证”,为了与之呼应,“baby L/C”或许可以译为“新信用证”或者“附属信用证”,在有些特定情境下或许可以直接译为“背对背信用证”。