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资本公积金的英文为“capital reserve”,其英文释义如下:

A company may create a capital reserve through a variety of transactions including selling fixed assets, the upward revaluation of assets to reflect their current market value, issuing stock in excess of par value (share premium), profits on the redemption of debentures, and the reissue of forfeited shares.



1.按其字面意思翻译,即将资本公积金转为股本“the conversion of capital reserves into share capital”。

2.简化翻译,转增股本其实就是资本化,因此可译为“capitalization of capital reserves”。


Capitalization of reserves

It means the conversion of reserve of any type – capital or revenue – into share capital. The typical methods are issue of fully paid bonus shares and conversion of partly paid shares into fully paid shares by utilizing reserves. The shareholders can gain from the capitalization of reserves only if the rate of dividends is not proportionately reduced. Capitalization of reserves is generally resorted to by a company which has built up substantial reserves. It would enable the company to bring the rate of dividend down but to a reasonable level which looks realistic. The company can also escape from undue charges of profiteering because of large amounts of accumulated reserves.




The proposed profit distribution plan or the proposed plan of capitalization of capital reserves in the reporting period approved by the resolution of the Board of Directors

On the basis of a total capital of 1,256,197,800 shares by the end of 2021, all shareholders will be distributed a cash dividend of CNY 216.75 (before tax) for every 10 shares, with a total profit distribution of CNY 27,228,087,315.00, and the remaining CNY 133,488,774,605.19 will be reserved for future annual distribution. The above profit distribution proposal shall be submitted to the general assembly of shareholders of the Company for deliberation and approval before implementation.



Profit distribution proposal or proposal for capitalization of capital reserve approved by the Board of Directors during the reporting period

The Company’s profit distribution proposal for the year of 2019 is as follows: On the basis of the total share capital of the Company as at the record date for the dividend distribution for the year of 2019, the Company will distribute a cash dividend of RMB 0.75 per 10 shares (inclusive of tax) to all shareholders. On the basis of 451,554,411 shares of the Company as at December 31, 2019, RMB 33,866,580.83 of cash dividends is expected to be distributed in total (inclusive of tax). The Company will not capitalize the capital reserve or distribute bonus shares for the reporting period. The profit distribution proposal for the year of 2019 is subject to approval by the general meeting of shareholders of the Company.
