




一步式合并即由上市公司控股股东持有的公司的子公司,与上市公司直接合并。合并后,上市公司非关联股东取得现金对价(“私有化对价”)并被挤出(Squeeze-out),上市公司成为控股股东控制的私人公司,并退市。一步式合并是私有化的最直接的方式。目前多数中国概念股公司私有化采用了一步式合并。一步式合并的缺点是,投票说明(Proxy Statement)在向股东发出之前须经过美国证监会(SEC)审查,这会延长私有化完成时间。



A merger involving a public target in which the buyer acquires control of the target through a tender offer and a stockholder vote. Because generally a stockholder vote must be done via a SEC-regulated proxy solicitation process, a one-step merger can take considerably longer than a two-step merger, which can be accomplished without a stockholder vote if the tender offer reaches the statutory threshold (generally 85% to 90%) of shares tendered.


两步合并也称“要约收购(tender offer or exchange offer)”。首先,收购方直接向目标公司股东发出收购要约,各股东自行决定是否以要约方给出的价格出售其股份;接着,目标公司召开股东大会,审议与收购方合并的事宜,若获得大多数股东支持,则随即进行合并。由于此类交易结构需进行上述两步,因而被称为两步合并。



A hybrid method of acquiring a company by combining a tender offer with a merger. In the first step, the buyer initiates a tender offer to acquire at least a majority of the outstanding target company’s stock. In the second step, the buyer completes a back-end merger to acquire the balance of the target company’s stock.







The goal of a two-step merger is the same as that of a one-step merger: the target will become a wholly owned subsidiary of the acquiror. However, the merger agreement in a two-step merger requires the acquiror’s subsidiary to commence a tender offer for all of the target’s shares within a few days of signing the merger agreement. The primary timing advantage of the two-step transaction is that the acquiror may commence the tender offer without prior SEC review. A two-step merger with all cash consideration may be completed in as little as 30-40 days if the acquiror is able to effect a “short-form” back-end merger.

