right of audience 出庭陈述权
These provisions relate to the Higher Rights Assessment Board (the Board)'s determination of an application for higher rights of audience before the High Court and the Court of Final Appeal in civil and criminal proceedings (higher rights), the eligibility requirements, the conditions for granting the application, the loss of higher rights, the cessation and re-acquisition of higher rights, the keeping of a list of solicitors having higher rights, and the issuance of higher rights certificates and a code of conduct for solicitor advocates.
该等条文关乎较高级法院出庭发言权评核委员会("评核委员会")就在高等法院及终审法院席前进行的民事及刑事法律程序享有较高级法院出庭发言权("较高级法院出庭发言权")的申 请作出裁定、资格规定、批准申请的条件、丧失停止享有及重新取得较高级法院出庭发言权、备存享有较高级法院出庭发言权的律师名单,以及发出较高级法院出庭发言权证书和讼辩律 师的行为守则。