preliminary hearing意为“预审”: a hearing in a felony case before a district judge at which the prosecution presents evidence ( the defendant and his or her counsel being present) from which the district judge decides whether there is probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed, that the defendant committed the crime and to "bind over" or refer the defendant to the circuit court for trial. Testimony of some witnesses and presentation of some exhibits are offered at such examination.
刑事诉讼中由法官来审查对被告人的指控是否有充分的证据,从而决定是否应将被告人交付审判的的程序。预审应由法官来主持,在联邦是由联邦司法官[federal magistrate]来主持。在预审程序中主要查明三点:(1)是否有犯罪发生;(2)犯罪是否发生在法院的地域管辖内;(3)是否有可成立的理由使人相信是被告人实施了该犯罪。预审的主要目的在于防止将起诉依据不充分的案件交付审判。在美国,重罪案件[felony case] 的被告人有权要求进行预审。在对重罪案件是以检察官起诉书[information]提出指控的州,预审通常是一个关键的程序,预审的结果将决定诉讼是否继续进行。如果通过预审发现存在可能成立的理由,预审法官将决定对被告人是否保释,并裁决将被告人交付初审法院审判。在对重罪案件是以大陪审团起诉书[indictment]提起公诉的州,预审法官经过预审,如果认为指控存在可成立的理由,即将案件送交大陪审团审查决定是否正式签发起诉书。该词也称“preliminary examination; probable cause hearing; felony preliminary。”在英国,刑事诉讼中的预审程序称committal proceeding。
1.The public security organs shall act in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law concerning detention, arrest, investigation and preliminary examination.
2. preliminary hearing procedure of public prosecution case exits between the public prosecution of procuratorate and the formal trial, the judge of preliminary hearing is in charge of examination public prosecution case before the formal trial.
3.A preliminary hearing to determine whether Michael Jackson's doctor should stand trial for manslaughter has opened in Los Angeles.
4.At last, we can establish preliminary hearing procedural and make the procedural testifying achieved completely.