Retirement of bonds是什么意思?

Retirement of bonds是什么意思?


1 个回答

Retirement与bonds连用时,意思并非常见的“退休;退役;退出”,而是“清偿;收回;回赎”之义。它通常指以清偿方式将债券或其他证券从流通领域中收回而予以注销,亦指将正在使用中的固定资产进行回收。因此,retirement of bonds可以译为债券的收回、债券注销,类似的词还有retirement of securities 证券注销(注销已经回购或回赎的股票或债券);retirement of stock 股票注销。

作为会计术语,retirement of bonds在财务报表中主要体现在公司的长期债务这一栏。当一个公司此前发行出售的债券被赎回时,通常其财务报表中的长期债务会有所减少。


Bond Maturity(债券到期日)

Each bond has a maturity date – the date on which the debt must be repaid. Bonds have maturities ranging from a few months to 30 years or more. The bond issuer pays investors the par value that is stated on the bond plus any accrued interest to retire the debt. Bond prices can vary considerably during a bond's life. Consequently, when you hold a bond to maturity, it’s likely you’ll have a capital gain if you bought the bond at a discount from the par value. If you purchased a bond at a premium over par, you’ll have a capital loss.

Callable Bonds(可赎回债券)

Some bonds are sold with a call provision as part of their terms and conditions. When a bond is callable, it means the bond issuer has the option of paying off the debt and retiring the bond before it matures. Typically, these bonds can be called on or after a specified call date. Corporate and municipal bonds are the most likely to have a call feature. If prevailing interest rates go down, the bond issuer can retire callable bonds and reissue them at a lower interest rate. This works to the advantage of bond issuers, and investors may lose out on favorable interest rates.

Convertible Bonds(可转换债券)

Corporations sometimes sell bonds that can be converted into a specific number of common stock shares. If an investor chooses to exercise the conversion option, the debt represented by the bond is retired when the bond is exchanged for stock. This can be a good deal for the bond owner, because she has the opportunity to benefit from growth in the value of the stock and earn income from the bond. Convertible bonds can also benefit the issuing company, because a conversion retires the debt without the firm having to pay out cash.
