Loan Loss Reserve的中文意思为“贷款损失准备”是核算银行按照规定提取的贷款损失减值准备,银行不承担风险的受托贷款等不计提贷款损失准备。该科目应按照单项贷款损失准备和组合贷款损失准备等分别设置明细科目进行核算。对于存在减值客观证据的各项非重要贷款,银行可逐项也可对其组合计算预计未来现金流量现值。贷款损失准备的计提范围为承担风险和损失的资产,具体包括:贷款(含抵押、质押、保证等贷款)、银行卡透支、贴现、银行承兑汇票垫款、信用证垫款、担保垫款、进出口押汇、拆出资金等。the loan loss reserve (or allowance for loan losses) is a contra-asset account on a bank’s balance sheet that is netted against gross loans. Each quarter the loan loss reserve rises by the amount of the loan loss provision (an expense item; more about it in a minute) and reduced by the level of net chargeoffs.
(1)The purpose of this model is to provide theoretical basis for the loan loss reserve fund for the commercial bank.
(2)The system of the loan reserve for bad debts is universally adopted by the commercial Banks to offset the bad debt loss of loans.