


股份回购(Share Repurchase)是指公司按一定的程序购回发行或流通在外的股份的行为;是通过大规模买回公司发行在外的股份来改变资本结构的防御方法;是目标公司或其董事、监事回购目标公司的股份。主要方式有用现金,或是以债权换股权,或是以优先股换普通股的方式回购其流通在外的股票行为。



为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:A share repurchase is a transaction whereby a company buys back its own shares from the marketplace. A company might buy back its shares because management considers them undervalued. The company buys shares directly from the market or offers its shareholders the option of tendering their shares directly to the company at a fixed price. Also known as a share buyback, this action reduces the number of outstanding shares, which increases both the demand for the shares and the price.



Any share repurchase by the Company for purpose of stabilizing its stock price shall comply with the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Administrative Measures for Repurchase by the Listed Companies of their Public Shares (Tentative), the Supplementary Provisions on Repurchase by the Listed Companies of their Public Shares through Call Auction, the Opinion on Supporting Repurchase by the Listed Companies of their Public Shares, the Rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for Implementation of Share Repurchase by the Listed Companies, and other applicable laws, rules, regulations and normative documents.






Any share repurchase by the Company for purpose of stabilizing its stock price shall meet the following conditions:

(1) the Company’s stock has been listed for at least one year;

(2) after the completion of such share repurchase, the Company shall be solvent and have the ability to continue as a going concern;

(3) after the completion of such share repurchase, the shareholding structure of Company shall continue to meet the listing conditions; and

(4) such other conditions as may be set forth by the CSRC.

If the Company repurchases shares for purpose of stabilizing its stock price and reduces its registered capital accordingly, the Company may do so even if its stock has been listed for less than one year.
