"Positive discrimination" 是一个英文短语,通常指在招聘、教育等领域中为了纠正过去的不平等或增加某些群体(如少数族裔、女性等)的代表性而采取的有意向这些群体提供额外优势的做法。这种做法的目的是为了促进多元化和平等,但它也可能引起关于公平性和反向歧视的争议。
一家公司可能采取Positive discrimination措施,以确保在高级职位或管理层中有更多的女性代表。他们可以设定一项政策,要求在招聘和晋升过程中优先考虑女性候选人,以鼓励更多女性进入高级职位。
这种Positive discrimination的目的是通过纠正过去的性别不平等,使工作场所更加多元化和包容,以便女性能够在公司的高级职位中获得更多的机会。
在英文中,The term ‘positive discrimination’ is sometimes used to refer to ‘positive measures’ or ‘special measures’. Special measures aim to foster greater equality by supporting groups of people who face, or have faced, entrenched discrimination so they can have similar access to opportunities as others in the community.
大概意思是说,positive discrimination这个术语有时用来指代“positive measures”(积极措施)或“special measures”(特别措施)。特别措施的目的是通过支持那些面临或曾经面临根深蒂固歧视的群体,促进更大的平等,使他们能够像社区中的其他人一样获得类似的机会。
在中文中,"positive discrimination" 可以翻译为“积极歧视”、“正向歧视”或“优惠性歧视”。这些翻译都试图捕捉到原英文短语中的基本含义,即在特定情况下,对历史上受到不公平对待的群体给予某种形式的优待或优惠。
考虑到“歧视”一词多有负面的含义,在某些情况下,positive discrimination也可译为“积极区别对待”或“正面区别对待”。
It further noted with satisfaction that special measures, including positive discrimination policies, had been taken for women and vulnerable and marginalized groups to mainstream them in countries’ development process.
Positive discrimination is therefore not only admissible under the law, but it is actually a required measure, as a corollary of equality in its full substantive understanding.
Some argue that positive discrimination is necessary to level the playing field for marginalized groups, while others believe it can be unfair to individuals who do not benefit from such policies.
The company implemented a positive discrimination policy to ensure that minority candidates are given equal opportunities during the hiring process.