关于bankruptcy,元照英美法词典中对其的释义如下:1.破产。可指当事人无力偿还到期债务的状况,也可指已依破产法被宣告破产的事实,或者已依破产法被宣告破产的当事人的地位。2. 破产程序。但其中并未点出具体区别。实际上,在美国,bankruptcy 既适用于个人,也适用于公司,可指作为资不抵债者(debtor)或破产人(bankrupt)的个人或公司可据此调整债务获得重新开始机会之司法程序(a judicial proceeding under federal law by which a person or a corporation unable to pay its debts can have the debts adjusted and get a new state)。而在英国,bankruptcy只适用于个人(无论是否为商人),而从未适用于公司。英国“破产”适用于公司的为另一套程序,即winding up。正如上文所说,公司的winding up程序与bankruptcy有很多类同处,其差异仅体现在bankcuptcy最终是以解除债务人的债务为目的,而winding up(或insolvency)则导致公司解散(dissolution),终止其在法律上的存在。
而insolvency是破产过程中的一个程序,即“资不抵债”,指债务人无力偿还其债务,法院宣布其为insolvent,由此开始破产的正式程序。在表示“破产”时,其既适用于个人的bankruptcy,也适用于公司的winding up。在美国,有很多州的破产法用的都是insolvency law。
France's insolvency process was designed to protect companies and jobs, and gives creditors little influence.
Any remittance made by foreign investors from the proceeds of the sale or transfer of shares of assets upon liquidation or winding up of enterprises are exempted from the payment of any tax.
The solicitor had originally met Stanley through serving a bankruptcy notice on him and had ended up as his attorney.