分拆上市指母公司新设立一新公司,并将部分业务转移到新公司,并将其股权的一部分对外销售,从而在法律上和组织上将新公司的经营从母公司分离出来,在不丧失控制权的情况下给母公司带来现金收入。认购这些股权的人可以是母公司的股东,也可以不是母公司的股东。其英文一般用“crave-out”表示。《科创板上市公司持续监管办法(试行)》中明确提到,“达到一定规模的上市公司,可以依据法律法规、中国证监会和交易所有关规定,分拆业务独立、符合条件的子公司在科创板上市”。投资百科中对其的解释如下:A carve-out is the partial divestiture of a business unit in which a parent company sells a minority interest of a subsidiary to outside investors. In a carve-out, the parent company sells some of its shares in its subsidiary to the public through an initial public offering (IPO), effectively establishing the subsidiary as a standalone company.
The Sponsor and the Issuer’s Lawyer are requested to verify the above, and render explicit opinions on whether this carve-out listing is in line with current regulatory policies and requirements.