种类物(indefinite thing或genus),是指性质、种类相同,即具有共同的物理属性和经济意义的物。它可以用品种、牌号、件数、长短、容积、重量等加以确定。这种物可以相互代替。如大米、布匹、钢材、水泥等。货币也是一种特殊的种类物,其价值以票面载明金额来计算,不取决于其重量、体积等。另外货币还具有价值尺度、流通手段、贮藏手段、支付手段以及世界货币的职能。但是,被作为收藏品的货币为特定物。
特定物(res certae或definite thing ),是指具有特有的属性、不能以其他物代替的物,即世界上独一无二的物。如一张名画、一件古玩等。当然这种分类是相对的,在种类物中,经过特别选定挑出来的物,也就成为特定物了。这种分类的法律意义在于,特定物在交付之前灭失的,可免去义务人的交付义务,因其交付已为不可能;而如果交付的是种类物,则不能免除义务人的交付义务,除非同种类物已全部灭失。
Therefore, in this case, the application of the “possession that is all” rule should be excluded, and it is determined that the currency is no longer general indefinite thing but become a “definite thing” for a certain purpose.
(2)法院判决认为:“本案系争的标的物为货币, 是一种具有高度替代性的种类物,一般情况下适用’占有即所有’的原则,但种类物可经由民事主体的选择、确定而成为特定物。本案管理中心所提供的证据能证明涉案款项60万元确系管理中心因运动员培训所需而存放在某学校的账户中,并非某学校的钱款,……故原告的诉讼请求本院难以支持。”
The Court held that: “The subject matter of this case is money, which is a highly substitutive genus. Generally, the “possession that is all” rule is applicable, but genus can become a res certae through the choice and determination of the civil subject. The evidence provided by the management center in this case can prove that the money of RMB 600,000 was indeed deposited in the account of the school by the management center for the training of athletes, rather than the money of the school. …...Therefore, the plaintiff’s claim cannot be supported by the court.”