treasury securities的中文意思为“国库债券”,又称政府证券(government securities或government stock),政府为筹集资金而向出资者出具并承诺在一定时期支付利息和偿还本金的债务凭证,具体包括国家债券即中央政府债券、地方政府债券和政府担保债券等。一般国库券是由财政部发行,用以弥补财政收支不平衡;公债是指为筹集建设资金而发行的一种债券。有时也将两者统称为公债。政府债券具有安全性高、流通性强、收益稳定、免税待遇的特征。
上市的国库证券分为三种类型:国库券(treasury bill)、国库中期债券(treasury note)和国库长期债券(treasury bond)。投资人可以通过银行或证券经销商购买,以上三种政府证券的利息收入只须负担联邦所得税,毋需缴纳州及地方所得税。
为了更好的理解该词,以下是该词的英文释义:In the investing world, treasury security applies to a range of investment products offered by a governmental body. For most readers, the most common type of treasury security are those items issued by the U.S. Treasury in the form of Treasury bond, bills, and notes. However, the governments of many nations will issue these debt instruments to fund ongoing, necessary, operations.
(1)A large share of international reserves is invested in low-yielding United States Treasury securities, implying a net transfer of resources from poorer countries to wealthier ones.
(2)Its funds come from deposit insurance premiums paid by banks and savings institutions and from earnings on investments in US Treasury securities.
(3)Some U.S. industries and their representatives in Congress assert that East Asian central banks use their U.S. Treasury securities to manipulate foreign exchange rates to boost exports to the United States.