“职权主义诉讼模式”和“当事人主义诉讼模式”指的是近代西方国家的两种诉讼模式。大陆法系国家countries using civil law多使用“职权主义诉讼模式”,英美法系国家countries using civil law则多采用“当事人主义诉讼模式”,中国目前实行的是一种既偏重于职权主义又具有对抗制因素的“混合型”诉讼模式。其具体双语释义如下:
“职权主义诉讼模式”是指在诉讼中,法官居于主导地位,控辩双方居于从属地位,法官可以依职权主动调查取证,判决不局限于当事人的诉讼请求,起诉方式以公诉为主,自诉为辅,侦查在诉讼中居重要地位,救济程序比较完善的一种诉讼模式。An inquisitorial system is a legal system in which the court, or a part of the court, is actively involved in investigating the facts of the case. This is distinct from an adversarial system, in which the role of the court is primarily that of an impartial referee between the prosecution and the defense. Inquisitorial systems are used primarily in countries with civil legal systems, such as France and Italy, or legal systems based on Islamic law like Saudi Arabia, rather than in common law systems.
“当事人主义诉讼模式”,与职权主义诉讼模式相对应,在这一模式下,诉讼的发动、继续和发展主要依赖于当事人,诉讼过程由当事人主导,法官仅处于消极的中立的裁判者地位;当事人要负责证据的调查、准备、提出、和证据价值的陈述工作,法官不能在当事人指明的证据范围以外依职权主动收集证据。The adversarial system or adversary system is a legal system used in the common law countries where two advocates represent their parties' case or position before an impartial person or group of people, usually a judge or jury, who attempt to determine the truth and pass judgment accordingly. It is in contrast to the inquisitorial system used in some civil law systems (i.e. those deriving from Roman law or the Napoleonic code) where a judge investigates the case.
Litigation patterns in the world are mainly divided into the inquisitorial system of the civil law system and the adversary system of the common law system. In general, China currently implements a kind of “hybrid” litigation pattern that favors inquisitorial system but also contains antagonism, which combines advantages of both litigation patterns to some extent.
“当事人主义”的英文表述为“ Adversary system”,“ adversary ”一词的英文解释为“ your adversary is someone you are competing with, or arguing or fighting against”,由此可见,在“当事人主义”的诉讼模式中,双方当事人的对抗和争辩是占主导地位的,是推动诉讼进行和最终判决的关键。相比之下,“职权主义”诉讼模式的英文则表述为“Inquisitorial system ”,“ inquisitorial”的英文释义为“especially indicating a form of prosecution in which proceedings are secret and accused is questioned by a prosecutor who acts also as the judge”,从英文释义里不难看出,在“职权主义”诉讼模式中,法官的纠问是占主导地位的,其对诉讼的进行和最后的判决起着关键性的作用。所以,总结以上定义的表述,可以得出的结论就是,这两种诉讼模式的关键区别在于当事人和法官在民事诉讼中的地位不同。