英文中提到“撤销案件”时,确实常常有the case is dismissed by the judge或judge dismissed the case这种用法,其中使用dismiss表示撤销。但在英文语境下,只有法官才是撤销案件的主体,其作用在于终止案件进入审判程序。与我国法律中的“不予受理”、“驳回起诉”相类似。在这一语境下,法院在审理过程中终止案件也可以使用drop the case。
就撤销原判而言,很多政府文件中将之译为rescind the original judgement。但rescind一词的意思多为“单方面地去取消终止(合同)”,其虽然也有撤销的含义,但主要适用在民商事法律领域中指合同的撤销。因此,若在刑事司法领域中,一审判决被上诉法院撤销,可用“reverse”一词来表示“通过上诉推翻(判决)”。因此,有关撤销原判对应的英文应译为“reverse the judgment”。Reversal can occur when the decision of a court of appeal is that the judgment of a lower court was incorrect. The result of reversal is that the lower court which tried the case is instructed to vacate the original judgment and retry the case.
如果受害方不同意检察官撤销案件或不予起诉的决定,受害者有权将这一决定告上法庭,要求 法庭下令检察官提起或继续诉讼。
If the injured party does not agree with the prosecutor’s decision to terminate a case or with the decision to fail to institute proceedings, he or she has the right to take the decision to court and demand that the court order the prosecutor to initiate or continue proceedings.
此外,最高法院也没有就申诉人作为 撤销原 判申请 的一部分提出的酷刑申诉采取行动。
The Supreme Court also failed to act on the claim of torture made by the complainant as part of his application for reversal.