提存做动词使用时,可用place sth in escrow来表示:
The buyer can place the funds in escrow with an agent with instructions to disburse them to the seller once the goods arrive in a suitable state.
Where a debtor’s performance of an obligation has become difficult due to the fact that the creditor fails to notify the debtor that it has split into two or more entities, merges with another entity, or changed its domicile, the debtor may suspend performance or place the subject matter in escrow.
做名词使用时,则直接使用“escrow”即可,如escrow agency 提存部门。
Escrow这一词在金融文件中,还常常译为“代管”,如:escrow account代管账户(以储户和代管人〔escrow agent〕的名义开立的银行账户,在代管条件实现时交还给储户或支付给第三人。例如,作为不动产抵押权人的银行将用于支付抵押人不动产税的资金存入代管账户中。)
第五百七十条 有下列情形之一,难以履行债务的,债务人可以将标的物提存:
Article 570 Where it is difficult to perform an obligation under any of the following circumstances, a debtor may place the subject matter in escrow:
(1)the creditor refuses to accept the performance without just cause;
(2)the creditor cannot be located;
(3)the creditor dies with his heirs or estate administrator not determined, or the creditor loses his capacity for performing civil juristic acts with no guardian determined; or
(4)there exists any other circumstance as provided by law.
Where the subject matter is not suitable for being placed in escrow or the expenses therefor are excessively high, the debtor may sell the subject matter through auction or sale and place the proceeds thus obtained in escrow in accordance with law.