在合同条款中,经常出现“joint liability”、“several liability”、“joint and several liability”等有关责任划分的规定,它们之间有哪些区别?

在合同条款中,经常出现“joint liability”、“several liability”、“joint and several liability”等有关责任划分的规定,它们之间有哪些区别?


针对joint liability,Investopedia给出的解释如下:

Joint liability denotes the obligation of two or more partners to pay back a debt or be responsible for satisfying a liability. A joint liability allows parties to share the risks associated with taking on debt and to protect themselves in the event of lawsuits. 



作为joint liability的变体,Investopedia针对joint and several liability给出的解释如下:

Joint and several liability is a legal term for a responsibility that is shared by two or more parties to a lawsuit. A wronged party may sue any or all of them, and collect the total damages awarded by a court from any or all of them. If one party is unable to pay, the others named must pay more than their share. Joint and several liability tends to benefit the plaintiff, as it increases the chances that all of the damages awarded can be collected. On the other hand, it may be considered unfair to a party who bears only a minor responsibility for an adverse event to bear an outsized financial loss because of it.



与joint liability正好相反,several liability表示“个别责任”,指两人或多人对原告的请求各自承担的责任(《元照英美法词典》)。


Several liability (or proportionate liability) is when all parties are liable for just their own respective obligations. An example would be if several business partners took out a loan for their business under the arrangement that each partner was responsible for their own share (severally liable). In such a case, if one partner did not meet their obligation under the loan, then the lender would only be able to sue the one partner for failure to meet their obligation.



1. 原文:After the Pledgee exercises the mortgage right in accordance with the Contract, if the collateral is not sufficient to pay off the guaranteed debts, and the Pledger is the third party other than the Borrower, the Pledger hereby promises to assume joint liability for the unpaid debts together with the Borrower.


2. 原文:After Co-borrower signs the Contract, Co-borrower shall enjoy same right and undertake same obligations with the Borrower under the Contract. Co-borrower shall undertake joint and several liability for the loan under the Contract.


3. 原文:Joint and several liability of the spouses is not created where one of the spouses takes on a loan or buys goods under hire purchase, in the event that this is not necessary to satisfy the joint needs of the family, without the consent of the other spouse.

