Liquidity event是指流动性事件。流动性事件是公司财务中用来描述许多不同事件的术语。 属于流动性事件范畴的两个主要事件是公司的购买和首次公开募股。
通常,流动性事件是创业公司使用的退出策略。 这是因为流动性事件通常会导致公司创始人先前持有的所有权资产转换。 通过流动性事件,公司的初始投资者和所有者可以将其企业股权转换为现金。它也可以是转移可能一直表现不佳的公司或企业的所有权负担的一种方法。
英语中也有对liquidity event的定义,如下:
A liquidity event is an acquisition, merger, initial public offering (IPO), or other action that allows founders and early investors in a company to cash out some or all of their ownership shares.
A liquidity event is considered an exit strategy for an illiquid investment—that is, for equity that has little or no market to trade on. Founders of a firm push toward a liquidity event and investors (such as venture capital (VC) firms, angel investors, or private equity firms) expect one within a reasonable amount of time after initially investing their capital
The most common liquidity events are IP0s and direct acquisitions by other companies or private equity firms.