如将“A公司与B公司合并为一家新公司——C公司”译为英语,译为“Corporation A and B consolidate into a new corporation C”较为贴切,译为 Corporation A and B merger into a new corporation C”就会产生很大偏差。
Takeover指a situation in which a company gets control of another company by buying enough of its shares即接管,收购(公司)
Consolidation of Corporations指公司的新设合并,指两个或两个以上的公司合并成为一个新公司,新公司取得和承担原公司全部权利、义务和责任,原公司随之终止。
Merger of Corporations指公司的吸收合并,又称公司的兼并。指兼并者,即存续公司继续保留法人主体资格,其取得被兼并者,即消失公司的资产,承担消失公司债务,消失公司被解散,丧失法人主体资格。
无论是公司的合并还是收购,都与公司的管理层――公司的董事会和公司的股东大会息息相关。对目标公司董事会的攻击中,常用的办法为“代理权之争”(Proxy Fight),即收购方公司设法向目标公司的公众股东发出请求,其中包括详细的、具有说服力的代理请求说明(specification of solicitation),从而争得股东的投票代理权,以此对抗目标公司中对并购持反对态度的势力。
After the completion of the Acquisitions, the Purchaser will hold 100% of the equity interests in the Target Company, and the Target Company will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, with its financial results consolidated into the Group’s consolidated financial results.
The Board proposes to implement the Share Consolidation on the basis that every ten (10)Existing Shares in the share capital of the Company be consolidated into one (1) Consolidated Share. The Share Consolidation is conditional upon, among other things, the approval of the Shareholders at the EGM.
Subject to the terms and conditions in the Merger Agreement and in accordance with the Delaware General Corporation Law, the Company will acquire Belkin International by way of merger whereby, at the Effective Time, the Merger Subsidiary will be merged with and into Belkin International.
受合并协议的条款及条件所规限以及根据特拉华州普通公司法,本公司将以合并方式收购Belkin International,据此,合并附属公司将于生效时间并入Belkin International。
The takeover period is expected to be one year, and may be lawfully extended as appropriate.