大股东的英文表达为:Substantial Shareholder 或 major shareholder
控股股东的英文表达为:controlling shareholder
对于想对公司在环境、劳动者权益、反腐政策等方面的行为施加影响的个体股东而言,政府作为一个不需进行日常运作微观管理的大股东,亦 可影响到公司政策 的更为宽泛的目标。
As in the case of private shareholders that seek to influence a company’s behaviour on issues such as the environment, labour rights, corruption policies, etc., a government may also affect the broader aims of policies of company of which it is a major stakeholder without micromanaging daily operations.
依莎集团是“西方水泥贸易公司”(CEMENTOS OCCIDENTALES, S.A.)的创始人和控股股东之一 ,该公司成立于2002年,在西班牙拥有2条产能为70万吨/年的水泥磨机生产线(设在马德里和费落尔),公司正计划筹建在卡塔赫纳的第3条生产线。
Excem is one of the founders and controlling shareholders of CEMENTOS OCCIDENTALES, S.A. This company was set up in 2002, owns 2 cement grinding mills in Spain (located in Madrid and Ferrol) with a production capacity of 700,000 MT of Cement / Year each, and intends to build a third one in Cartagena.