货币性资产的英文为“monetary assets”。其英文释义如下:Monetary assets include cash and cash equivalents, such as cash on hand, bank deposits, investment accounts, accounts receivable (AR), and notes receivable, all of which can readily be converted into a fixed or precisely determinable amount of money.
非货币性资产的英文为“Non-monetary assets”。其英文释义如下:A nonmonetary asset refers to an asset that a company holds that does not have a precise dollar value and is not easily convertible to cash or cash equivalents. Companies categorize nonmonetary assets as either tangible assets or intangible assets.
除企业合并形成以外的:以支付现金取得的,按照实际支付的购买价款作为其初始投资成本;以发行权益性证券取得的,按照发行权益性证券的公允价值作为其初始投资成本;以债务重组方式取得的,按《企业会计准则第 12 号——债务重组》确定其初始投资成本;以非货币性资产交换取得的,按《企业会计准则第 7 号——非货币性资产交换》确定其初始投资成本。
In case of an equity investment not acquired through business combination, the initial investment cost is the purchase price actually paid if it is acquired by cash, or the fair value of the equity securities issued if it is acquired through issuance of equity securities, or determined in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 12 -- Debt Restructuring if it is acquired through debt restructuring, or determined in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 7 -- Exchange of Non-monetary Assets if it is acquired through exchange of non-monetary assets.
政府补助在同时满足下列条件时予以确认:(1) 公司能够满足政府补助所附的条件;(2) 公司能够收到政府补助。政府补助为货币性资产的,按照收到或应收的金额计量。政府补助为非货币性资产的,按照公允价值计量;公允价值不能可靠取得的,按照名义金额计量。
Government grants are recognized if (i) the Company meets the conditions attaching to the government grants; and (ii) the Company will receive the government grants. Government grants in the form of monetary assets are measured at the amount received or receivable. Government grants in the form of non-monetary assets are measured at fair value, or if their fair value is unavailable, at nominal amount.