passive debt的中文意思为(1)无息债务,免息债务,指经由债权人与债务人约定不承担利息的债务。与有息债务(active debt) 相对应;(2)消极债务在另一层含义上,某一债务分为“积极”(active) 与“消极”(passive)是因其针对债权人或债务人而定的。消极债务即“欠人”,积极债务则为“人欠”。据此,任何一笔债务均既是积极的,又是消极的;针对债权人而言是积极的,针对债务人而言则是消极的。为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:A debt upon which, by agreement between the debtor and creditor, no interest is payable, as distinguished from active debt; i. c., a debt upon which interest is payable. In this sense, the terms “active” and “passive” are applied to certain debts due from the Spanish government to Great Britain. Wharton. In another sense of the words, a debt is “active” or “passive” according as the person of the creditor or debtor is regarded ; a passive debt being that which a man owes; an active debt that which is owing to him. In this meaning every debt is both active and passive.
(1)Governmental regulations, particularly under the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, tend to be stricter under Democratic administrations and less so under Republican ones. In addition, many debt purchasers have been consolidating or going out of business in recent years due to regulations and the nervousness of lenders to sell to the open market. Fast forward to today, and there are fewer purchasers, reducing competition, and an abundance of new tech collection firms to service accounts in a more efficient manner.
政府规定,特别是在消费者金融保护局(Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)之下的规定,在民主党政府中趋于严格,而在共和党政府中则相对宽松。此外,由于法规和放贷人向公开市场出售的紧张情绪,近年来,许多债务购买者一直在合并或破产。而如今,购买者减少,竞争减少,并且有大量新的技术收集公司以更有效的方式为帐户提供服务。
(2)The decision breaks down the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) definition into two categories. According to the court, a passive debt collector is “any person (1) who uses any instrumentality of interstate commerce or the mails in any business the principal purpose of which is the collection of any debts… or (2) who regularly collects or attempts to collect, directly or indirectly, debts owed or due or asserted to be owed or due to another.”