Umpire Claus,通常出现在保险、建筑合同或其他合同中,主要涉及纠纷解决机制。当合同的双方在某些问题上存在争议,例如保险索赔的金额,而双方各自选择的鉴定师不能达成一致意见时,这个条款允许或要求双方选择一个中立的第三方(即仲裁员或裁决人)来作出最终决定。
在英文中,An umpire clause refers to language in an insurance policy that provides for a means of resolution by an unbiased third party if an insurer and an insured cannot agree on the amount of a claim payment. An umpire clause is the same thing as an arbitration clause. The arbitration process requires both the insurance company and the policy holder to hire an appraiser of their choosing to assess the damages and the cost to repair them. The umpire will agree with one or perhaps both of the resulting appraisals and that amount will be used to satisfy the claim.
在中文中,"Umpire Clause" 可以被翻译为“仲裁员条款”、“裁决人条款”或“公断人条款”。具体使用场景可参考如下双语示例:
The contract includes an umpire clause to ensure that disputes over valuation are resolved quickly.
If the two appraisers cannot agree on the amount of loss, the umpire clause stipulates that an independent third party will make the final decision.
The parties invoked the umpire clause when they reached an impasse in their negotiations.
Including an umpire clause in the agreement can be a cost-effective way to resolve potential disagreements.