传闻证据(hearsay或hearsay evidence)指证人不是以自己对某事实的亲身感知为基础,而是就自己从别人那里听说的事实所作的陈述。因此,其内容通常最初是在法庭外未经宣誓作出的,而在庭审时被作为证据提出来证明其所称之事实为真实。
但是,不论在英国还是在美国,传闻证据规则都有许多例外。如在普通法上,临终前的陈述在以后的诉讼中可以作为证据被采纳;英国1988年的《刑事司法法》[Criminal Justice Act]规定大多数第一手的传闻和商业文件可以采纳,1968-1972年的《民事证据法》[Civil Evidence Act]也规定传闻在符合特定的程序要求的情况下具有可采性。
为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:Hearsay evidence, in a legal forum, is testimony from a witness under oath who is reciting an out-of-court statement, content of which is being offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted. In most courts, hearsay evidence is inadmissible (the “Hearsay Evidence Rule”) unless an exception to the Hearsay Rule applies.
(1)Some members have expressed grave concern that the present drafting of clause 142(2)(a) allowing the Tribunal to receive evidence that would not be admissible in court proceedings, including hearsay evidence, is too broad.
(2)The rule against hearsay renders hearsay evidence inadmissible in criminal proceedings, unless it falls within one of the exceptions to the rule, including confession of an accused and statements of persons now deceased.