直接证据(direct evidence),是指能够单独直接说明案件主要事实的证据。案件主要事实在刑事诉讼中指被告人是否实施了犯罪行为,在民事、行政诉讼中指当事人争议的法律关系的事实。刑事被告人对犯罪的供认,被害人或目睹证人对被告人实施犯罪的陈述和证言,民事被告人对原告人所诉事实的承认,书证中关于民事争议事实的记载,均属直接证据。运用直接证据证明案件主要事实相对较为简单,但直接证据本身是否真实可靠,尚需其他证据印证,在司法实践中,通常以直接证据和间接证据互相配合、互相印证来认定案情。
为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:Direct evidence supports the truth of an assertion (in criminal law, an assertion of guilt or of innocence) directly, i.e., without an intervening inference. Circumstantial evidence, by contrast, consists of a fact or set of facts which, if proven, will support the creation of an inference that the matter asserted is true.
与直接证据相对照的是间接证据(indirect evidence),指不能单独直接证明刑事案件主要事实,需要与其他证据相结合才能证明的证据。间接证据必须与案内的其他证据结合起来,形成一个证据体系,才能共同证明案件的主要事实。常见的间接证据有:反应犯罪嫌疑人、被告人到过现场的痕迹物品、犯罪工具,反映犯罪动机、目的的证据,认定案发现场的勘验笔录等。特别是各种物证,一般只能证明案件事实中的某些片段或个别情节,基本上属于间接证据。
(1)The Permanent Secretary for Economic Development and Labour (Economic Development) (PS/ED) added that according to the findings of the consultancy study on the local auto-fuel retail market (the Study) conducted in 2005, a competition law could empower a regulator to require the oil companies to produce relevant information when conducting investigation into suspected anti-competitive conduct, thus providing direct evidence of any collusive behaviour.
(2)The dispositions stipulating in international instruments have not been used as direct evidence for protection of human rights before the court and administration authority; however, those dispositions are quoted as the main principles to incorporate into the regulations and laws of the State and they are the essential tools for the protection of human rights in Cambodia.
(3)By linking various evidentiary threads together, the prosecution can put forward a case that is much stronger than one based solely on direct evidence, such as eyewitness accounts.