Exclusive jurisdiction是什么意思,求详细解释?

Exclusive jurisdiction是什么意思,求详细解释?


Exclusive jurisdiction意为“专属管辖、专属管辖权”是地域管辖的一种。法律规定某些案件必须由特定的法院管理,当事人不能以协议的方式加以变更。具有强制性和排他性,与特别管辖不完全相同。世界各国对于专属管辖权的规定,主要表现在家庭、继承和不动产等案件方面。中国民事诉讼的专属管辖有:因不动产提起的诉讼,由不动产所在地人民法院管辖;港口作业中发生的诉讼,由港口所在地人民法院管辖;因登记发生的诉讼,由登记机关所在地人民法院管辖;继承遗产的诉讼,被继承人生前户籍所在地或主要遗产所在地人民法院管辖;破产诉讼,由破产企业主要办事机构所在地人民法院管辖。中国行政诉讼的专属管辖:因不动产提起的行政诉讼案件,由不动产所在地人民法院管辖。

为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:Exclusive jurisdiction refers to power of a court to adjudicate a case to the exclusion of all other courts. It is the sole forum for determination of a particular type of case. Exclusive jurisdiction is decided on the basis of the subject matter dealt with by a particular court. For example, the U.S. district courts have exclusive jurisdiction on bankruptcy matters [28 USCS § 1334]. Exclusive jurisdiction is conferred on courts by the U.S. constitution, various statutes or contract between the parties.

与专属管辖相对的,是任意管辖(optional jurisdiction),法律在设定任意管辖时,主要考虑的是当事人的私益,以便利当事人进行诉讼和平衡原、被告的利益为出发点。对于任意管辖,法律允许双方当事人通过协议并达成合意予以变更。各国或地区的协议管辖一般均包括明示的协议管辖与默示的协议管辖两种,前者指当事人在纠纷发生前或纠纷发生后通过书面形式选择某一法院为案件的管辖法院,后者则是指原告向无管辖权的法院起诉,被告不提出无管辖权的抗辩而答辩应诉。协议管辖具有改变法定管辖的效力,使原先没有法定管辖权的法院由于当事人明示或默示的选择而取得了管辖权。


(1)If a dispute arises with respect to our fees, the Client may have a right to have such a dispute arbitrated pursuant to Part 137 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts of the State of New York, provided that, among other things, the amount in dispute is not greater than US$30,000. All other disputes arising under or in connection with this letter will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Hong Kong.


(2)The parties to the Agreement irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts but we shall be entitled to enforce the Agreement in courts of other competent jurisdiction as we may select.


(3)Until 2001, the Muslim and Christian courts had exclusive jurisdiction in all family 

matters, including women’s and children’s alimony, property issues, child maintenance, guardianship and parental matters.

直到 2001 年,穆斯林和基督教法庭对一切家庭事务拥有专属管辖权,包括妇女和儿童的赡养费、财产问题、子女的抚养、监护和父母事务。
