①The deposit is applied against the purchase price of the property when the sale closes. The deposit will become part of the down payment. If the sale does not close, the deposit is lost.
②Earnest money is a financial commitment signaling the buyer’s serious intent to purchase a home.
③Down payment is the cash payment the buyer puts down on the home purchase. The rest of the purchase price is usually financed, unless the buyer makes an all-cash purchase, in which case the balance is paid at closing by a certified check or wire transfer.
联系:The earnest money deposit can be viewed as part of the down payment. While an earnest money deposit functions as a promise to the seller, a down payment is a promise to the lender providing your mortgage loan.
区别:earnest money的作用是对卖方的承诺,而 down payment则是对提供抵押贷款的贷款人的承诺。
Deposit(也称为security deposit)指“履约保证金”, 指为合同的履行而支付的定金〔earnest money〕或押金〔security〕。如果支付保证金的一方未能履行合同,则作为惩罚,其将失去所支付的保证金。在房屋租赁中,通常由承租人支付保证金,如果承租人未损坏租赁物也未违反合同及法律的约定和规定,则保证金可以退还;但美国的一些州也要求出租人支付保证金,以备租赁物必要维修之用。亦简作「deposit」。合同一方收到deposit后,一般不能先动用;deposit也可作为押金,如图书馆借书所交纳的押金,如不归还所借之书,押金则会被没收。
Earnest money (也称为earnest money、bargain money、caution money、hand money)多指买卖中的“购货定金”,起源于动产买卖,现在常用于不动产交易,且经常交由第三人代管(in escrow),如违约不买,也会被没收。
Down payment多指缔结合同时约定付款中的“首付款”或“头款”,其与“deposit”区别的地方在于合同一方收到down payment后,即可动用;且down payment不具有定金所含的如果违约则应双倍偿还的性质。
I put down a $500 security deposit for another apartment.
You will lose your deposit if you cancel the order.
But you need to look for an officeholder to make security, perhaps intend corresponding earnest money.
Party A shall bear the interest on the usance L/C and the down payment of Party B.