请问这句话中的“balance of probabilities”如何理解?整句话如何翻译好?

请问这句话中的“balance of probabilities”如何理解?整句话如何翻译好?

The burden of proof ordinarily rests on the plaintiff to establish this relationship on a “balance of probabilities”.


看到probabilities第一反应肯定是可能性,而balance则是平衡,但看这两个意思的组合的话也可以理解,但就是觉得缺了点什么。因此,可以结合前文理解。结合前面的burden of proof举证责任可知,“balance of probabilities”是与举证,具体说是与证明标准有关的法律术语。


probabilities在西方法律术语中,多译为“盖然性”。在民事案件中,“高度盖然性high probability”标准一般为大陆法系各国所强调。高度盖然性标准的基本原则是,凡证明待证事实发生的盖然性高的,主张该事实发生的当事人不负举证责任.相对人应就该事实的不发生负举证责任。因为在事实真伪不明当事人又无法举证时,法院认为盖然性高的事实发生远较认定盖然性低的事实发生更能接近真实而避免误判。


因而“balance of probabilities”即盖然性平衡,也称为盖然性优势,是绝大多数民事诉讼使用的证明标准。 诉讼中,当事人对其所主张的事实提出证据,当一事实主张被确信更有可能是真实的而不是虚构的,那么这个标准就满足了,此项事实主张将被认定为真实。


如在有关运动员兴奋检测案中,根据《EGY-NADO Rules》第10.条的规定,如果禁用物质不涉及特定物质,且运动员未能证明其并非故意构成兴奋剂违规,则禁赛期为四年。因此,若运动员尿检被检测出兴奋剂,则运动员在证明自己"非故意"时适用盖然性权衡原则,即她所依赖的情况应当比不发生的可能性更大。



The balance of probability standard means that a court is satisfied an event occurred if the court considers that, on the evidence, the occurrence of the event was more likely than not. When assessing the probabilities the court will have in mind as a factor, to whatever extent is appropriate in the particular case, that the more serious the allegation the less likely it is that the event occurred and, hence, the stronger should be the evidence before the court concludes that the allegation is established on the balance of probability.




