“leverage contract”指的是什么类型的合同?它和“future contract”之间有什么不同?

“leverage contract”指的是什么类型的合同?它和“future contract”之间有什么不同?


leverage contract合约买卖合同


指就买入或卖出将来交付合约而达成的协议,该合约规定以某种标准单位或数量,并以某种特定价格而在将来交付某种特定的商品,通常是金、银或其他贵重金属。leverage contract means “a contract, standardized as to terms and conditions, for the long-term (ten years or longer) purchase ("long leverage contract") or sale ("short leverage contract") by a leverage customer of a leverage commodity which provides for: Participation by the leverage transaction merchant as a principal in each leverage transaction.


future contract期货合同

买卖双方达成的按约定价格购买约定数量的期货的合同,其价格由双方在期货交易所以公开竞价方式确定。期货合同对商品品级、交货方式、保证金等条件均有统一规定,买卖双方只在交易中确定价格、交货期与合同数量。期货交易一般不导致实际交割,因为卖方在交货期之前可以转手或购买同样数量的合同对原合同进行对冲。Futures contracts are financial derivatives that oblige the buyer to purchase some underlying asset (or the seller to sell that asset) at a predetermined future price and date. A futures contract allows an investor to speculate on the direction of a security, commodity, or a financial instrument, either long or short, using leverage.


leverage contract的运行方式与期货合同〔futures contract〕非常相似,除了没有指定的合约交易市场。期货交易市场为期货合同制定统一的条款,而合约买卖合同条款则由交易商单独确定,且不保证存在回购市场,也不保证继续交易或充当买方经纪人。此外,合约买卖合同被禁止适用于农产品交易。



In the United States, leverage contracts shall be governed by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.



The underlying asset may be any asset including a single stock, a basket of stocks, an index, a currency, a commodity or a futures contract. legco.gov.hk

该项相关资产可以是包括单一或 一篮子股票、指数、货币、 商品或期货合同等在内的任何资产。


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