先来看一下“direct engagement”的英文含义,下列英文解释出自香港会计师公会颁布的Hong Kong Framework for Assurance Engagements(中文为本人译文):
“In a direct engagement, the practitioner measures or evaluates the underlying subject matter against the criteria and presents the resulting subject matter information as part of, or accompanying the assurance report. The practitioner’s conclusion in a direct engagement addresses the reported outcome of the measurement or evaluation of the underlying subject matter against the criteria. In some direct engagements, the practitioner’s conclusion is, or is part of, the subject matter information.
在direct engagement中,从业人员按照标准计量或评价鉴证对象,并提供获得的鉴证对象信息作为鉴证报告的一部分或附于鉴证报告。从业人员得出的结论涉及按照标准计量或评价鉴证对象所报告的结果。在某些情况下,从业人员得出的结论就是鉴证对象信息或鉴证对象信息的一部分。
In addition to measuring or evaluating the underlying subject matter, in a direct engagement the practitioner also applies assurance skills and techniques to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence in order to express a conclusion about whether the subject matter information is materially misstated. The practitioner may obtain that evidence simultaneously with the measurement or evaluation of the underlying subject matter, but may also obtain it before or after such measurement or evaluation.
通过比较发现,二者的描述其实存在共通之处,比如,上文表示“从业人员按照标准计量或评价鉴证对象”,下文表示“注册会计师直接对鉴证对象进行评价或计量”。所以,我认为,相较于按字面翻译为“直接业务”,不如采用上述准则的说法,将“direct engagement”译为“直接报告业务”。