Partition (n./v.)
定义:财产的分割,最狭义上是指将以共同保有人(joint tenant)、共同继承人(coparcener)或混合共有人(tenant in common)等形式共有的土地在权利人之间进行分割;较广义上可以指在共有人(co-owner)间对动产或不动产进行的分割。财产的分割可以自愿的,依当事人的协议进行;也可以是强制的,依法院的命令进行。
Equitable partition:公平的财产分割。指在共同所有人或共同继承人之间对土地、动产、遗产等进行分割。一般是按每一共同所有人或继承人所享有的权利比例,将共有财产或遗产分割成与共同所有人或继承人所享权利相等的若干份;为公平起见,也可将共有财产或遗产出卖,再将所得价款和收益进行公平分配。
Judicial partition:通过诉讼进行的财产分割。指以诉讼的方式由法院对共有财产按各共有人所享有的权益强制进行分割。如果共有财产无法按共有人的人数公平分割,可将共有财产以最优价格变卖,然后分割所得价款。
Voluntary partition:自愿分割(不动产)。指经不动产所有人共同同意而对未分割利益进行分割。
Where the co-owners have agreed not to partition the co-owned immovable or movable property in order to maintain the co-ownership, the agreement shall be followed, provided that a co-owner may request partition if there is a compelling reason for partition. Where there is no agreement or the agreement is unclear, a co-owner by shares may request partition at any time, whereas a joint co-owner may request partition in case the basis for the joint ownership ceases to exist or there is a compelling reason for partition. Compensation shall be made if partition causes damage to the other co-owners.
Divide (v.) - Division (n.)
Division of fees:律师费的分配;收费分割。指两个以上律师由于为同一当事人共同代理而对律师费进行分割的合法行为,如无相反的合同约定,则平均分配。
The co-owners may determine through negotiation the way of partition of the co-owned thing. Where they fail to reach an agreement, and where the co-owned immovable or movable property is divisible and its value is not diminished upon division, partition in kind shall be effected; where it is difficult to divide the co-owned thing or where its value would be impaired upon division, partition shall be carried out through dividing the proceeds based on appraisal or obtained from auction or a sale of it.
Split (n./v.)
Split income:分割收入。为了消除分别实行夫妻共有财产制与普通法财产制的各州之间夫妇财产所得税的差异,美国国会于1948年立法规定,所有州的夫妇可按共同收入纳税,其税率相当于各方收入为总额之一半而各自分别纳税时所适用之税率。
Property division does not have to be decided by a third party. If a couple can come to a mutual agreement about how to split up their assets and debts, then they do not have to follow either property division rule. However, if the parties in a divorce cannot agree independently or settle during arbitration, then the divorce heads to court, with a judge ultimately deciding who gets what based on the laws of their state.(来源:Investopedia)
Anything can happen in court, but the existence of a prenuptial agreement signed prior to the marriage will almost certainly determine the outcome of a divorce, even in a community property state. A prenuptial agreement almost always overrides the community property law. So long as the agreement is valid and doesn’t violate state or federal law, the judge will likely accept it as proof that the couple came to an agreement other than a 50/50 split of their assets.(来源:Investopedia)