“Second of the same tenor and date being unpaid”常用于汇票,汇票是出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时或者在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。在商法中,外国汇票常以两联或三联的形式开具,其依次可称为第一联汇票〔first of exchange〕、第二联汇票〔second of exchange〕等,或称为正本汇票〔original bill〕、副本汇票〔duplicate bill〕。一套汇票的各联均可以单独兑付,且任一联兑付后,其他各联自动失效。“Second of the same tenor and date being unpaid”出现在第一联汇票,字面意思就是“含有相同内容和日期的第二联汇票不付”,也就是“付一不付二”,有时也会写作“Second of the Exchange being unpaid”或“Second being unpaid”;同理,第二联汇票会注明“First of the same tenor and date being unpaid”,有时会写作“First of the Exchange being unpaid”或“First being unpaid”,即“付二不付一”。
1. 汇票号码:Draft No.
2. 出票地点和日期:Place of Issue and Date
3. 汇票金额(格式:货币代号+小写金额,一般保留两位小数):Exchange for...
4. 支付方式和付款期限(如果是即期汇票,即见票即付,用“At Sight”表示;如果是远期汇票,即在出票一定期限后或特定日期付款,比如,见票后60天付款,用“At 60 Days After Sight”表示;提单日期后90天付款,用“At 90 Days From B/L Date”,其中须注明B/L Date):At...Sight of this First Bill of Exchange (Second of the same tenor and date being unpaid)
5. 收款人:Pay to the order of...
6. 汇票金额(大写金额):The sum of...
7. 出票条款(即出具汇票的依据,信用证汇票必须列明开证行名称、信用证号码、开证日期):Drawn under...
8. 付款人:To...