保险批单( insurance endorsement)是指保险人签发的同意被保险人要求变更保险单内容的书面文件。它是保险人对投保人提出的补充或变更保险单的内容进行审核,同意后向投保人另出一种凭证,注明保险人对保险单的补充或更改内容。一般保险批单须粘贴在保险单上,并加盖骑缝章,作为保险单的一部分。保险批单是保险人与被保险人变更保险合同的证明文件,一经批改后,保险应按批改后的内容承担责任。为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:An insurance endorsement is an amendment or addition to an existing insurance contract which changes the terms or scope of the original policy. Endorsements may also be referred to as riders. An insurance endorsement may be used to add, delete, exclude or otherwise alter coverage. An insurance endorsement may be issued mid-term, at the time of purchase, or at renewal. The insurance endorsement is a legally binding amendment to the insurance contract.
(1)The Application Form, Quotation, policy wording, Schedule, any endorsement attached hereto or marked thereon and any other written agreement shall form integrated parts of this Policy.
(2)The subsequent declaration or declarations may be made by endorsement on the policy, or in other customary manner.