优先认购权(Pre-emption rights)指公司发行新股或可转换债时老股东可以按原先持有的股份数量的一定比例优先于他人进行认购的权利。设立优先认购权的目的是在公司有扩大总股本的融资行为时保障现有股东的持股比例和权益不被摊薄。股东购买新股票的定价往往低于新股的市价,因而优先认股权本身亦具有市场价值。股东可以自己行使该权利,也可以通过转让权利证书而将新股优先认购权转让给他人行使,也就是说,在优先认购权生效之前卖出股票。当然,原股东的新股优先认购权并不是绝对的,法律确立新股认购优先权是在比较公司内部组织结构平衡和公司资本顺利扩张两种价值之后做出的判断,也就是说,在某些特定情况下,原有股东新股优先认购权是可以被合理排除的。事实上,在实际案例中,只要公司能让市场相信今后公司业绩会因为新股募集资金项目推动,增长高于股本扩张规模,增发新股一般都没有老股东优先认购权,尤其是定向增发。为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:Preemptive rights are a contractual clause giving a shareholder the right to buy additional shares in any future issue of the company's common stock before the shares are available to the general public. Shareholders who have such a clause are generally early investors or majority owners who want to maintain the size of their stake in the company when and if additional shares are offered.
(1)Most institutional shareholders have opposed the plan, announced in February, mainly because it ignores their pre-emption rights, or right to participate in the fundraising.
(2)In the event that the GRB exercises its pre-emption rights in full, Anglo American will acquire an incremental 30 percent interest in De Beers, taking its total interest to 75 percent, and the consideration payable by Anglo American would be reduced proportionately.