请问这句话中的“discount rate”指的是什么?
The reasoning is usually based on a discounted-cashflow model; a lower bond yield means a lower discount rate and thus a higher present value for shares.
The reasoning is usually based on a discounted-cashflow model; a lower bond yield means a lower discount rate and thus a higher present value for shares.
Discount rate在这里指的是贴现率,贴现率一般有两层含义:第一种指金融机构向该国央行作短期融资时,该国央行向金融机构收取的利率。贴现率的高低会影响各金融机构对客户收取的利率水准并间接影响其它金融市场,为一国的货币政策工具之一。但是各国央行对这种借款方式通常有所限制,所以当一金融机构需要短期资金时,一般会先寻求其他管道。各国央行制定的利率除了贴现率外,另外还有隔夜拆借利率(overnight lending rate),其中美国的隔夜拆借利率被称为联邦基金利率(Fed funds rate)。第二种指将未来资产折算成现值(present value)的利率,一般是用当时零风险的利率来当作贴现率,但并不是绝对。比如说,贴现率为10%,明年的100块在今年就相当于100/(1+10%)=90.909090...块钱,到了明年就是100/(1+10%)*(1+10%),也就是说,今年用90.909090...块可以买到的东西相当于明年100块可以买到的东西。
Investopedia对其的作出的解释如下:The term discount rate can refer to either the interest rate that the Federal Reserve charges banks for short term loans or the rate used to discount future cash flows in discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis.
Valuing these liabilities is tricky because they stretch many years into the future and their current worth swings wildly in response to small changes in the “discount rate” used to value it.