"Corporate veil" 是公司法中的一个概念,指的是公司法人身份与其股东或关联者之间的法律隔离。这个"面纱"确保了公司的债务和义务与其所有者、股东或指导者分开,从而在大多数情况下,股东的个人资产不会为公司的行为或债务承担责任。
但是,在某些情况下,如公司的股东或指导者涉及欺诈行为或不当行为,或公司没有遵循必要的公司形式和规程,法院可能会"刺穿"或"揭开"这个"corporate veil",从而使股东或指导者为公司的行为或债务承担个人责任。
在中文中,"corporate veil" 可以翻译为 "公司面纱" 或 "法人面纱"。
As in common law jurisdictions , the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil in China will be predominantly a creature of case law , not legislation , so its implementation will necessarily changeover time.
What's also scary is that there are no hard and fast rules for determining when the corporate veil should be pierced. That's left largely to the determination of judges , who look at the totality of the circumstances to make their ruling, and choose to pierce the veil if it's necessary to prevent fraud or achieve equity.