零息票债券(zero-coupon bond)指以较大折扣低于面值出售、不支付利息而在期满时按面值赎回的债券,在到期之前债券持有人无任何现金收入,其收益来自购买时的价格与赎回时的面值之间的差额。
常见的零息票债券如美国的短期国债,以及交易商将普通的长期债券的利息和本金进行拆分而得到的多个零息票债券,被称作strip bonds。(反之,多个零息票债券也可以组合成与普通的长期债券相同的现金流。无套利定价理论保证了两者的价值应该非常接近。)美国财政部自1985年起发行把中长期国债拆分得到的STRIPS(Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities,注册的证券本金和利息的分离交易)。
(1)As for the zero-coupon bonds of an aggregate principal amount of HK$1,000 million issued by the Group in December 2006, about 30.5% (or HK$305 million in principal amount) of which was converted into ordinary shares of the Company during the six months ended 30 June 2007 and about 69.5% (or HK$695 million in principal amount) of which remained outstanding at 30 June 2007.
本集团于二零零六年十二月发行本金合共 1,000,000,000 港元的零息票债券,其中约 30.5% (或以本金计 305,000,000 港元)已于截至二零零七年六月三十日止六个月内转换作本公司的普通股,约69.5% (或以本金计 695,000,000 港元)于二零零七年六月三十日仍未作出转换。
(2)The Group’s primary foreign exchange exposure arises from its property developments and investments in mainland China which are denominated in Renminbi (“RMB”), the guaranteed notes (“Notes”) which are denominated in United States dollars (“US$”), Sterling (“£”) and Singapore dollars (“S$”), certain bank borrowings which are denominated in United States dollars (“USD borrowings”) and Japanese Yen (“¥”) (“Yen borrowings”), as well as the zero-coupon bonds (“Bond”) which are denominated in United States dollars.
本集团之主要汇率风险来自以人民币计值并位于中国内地之物业发展及投资业务、以美元、英镑及新加坡元计值之担保票据(票据)、以美元计值(美元借款)及以日元计值(日元借款)之若干银行借款及以美元计值之零息票债券( 债 券 )。