“阴阳合同”通常译为dual contract/duplicate contract/yin yang contract。
根据上述含义,经查询《布莱克法律词典》,认为“dual contract”最符合此意,其英文释义如下:“A contract between parties who have made two contracts for the same transaction, sometimes so that one may be used to defraud a person or entity (such as a lender) as to the terms of the parties’ actual agreement”。
至于“duplicate contract”,认为不太妥当。原因如下:《布莱克法律词典》对“duplicate”的解释为“A reproduction of an original document having the same particulars and effect as the original”,可以看出“duplicate”表示对原文件的完全复制,事项和效力与原文件完全相同,不符合“阴阳合同”的含义。