维持原判可处理为affirm a judgment。In the practice of appellate courts, to affirm a judgment is to declare that it is valid and correct and must stand as rendered by the court below。如果上诉法院(appellate court)认定下级法院(lower court)的判决是正确的,且不含任何无害错误(harmless error:指那些“琐碎的、形式上的、或者仅仅是纯粹理论的错误,这种错误不会对当事人的实质性权利的转移形成偏见),则上诉法院将维持下级法庭的判决。
修改原判决可处理为modify the decision。法庭发现下级法院的判决确实存在轻微的法律缺陷(minor legal defect)或不够充分的,可修改(modify or amend)原判决。
发回重审可处理为remand for a retrial。若上诉法院将某一案子发回重审,则该案将会被发回下级法庭进行进一步审理(further proceedings),上诉法院的意见中将会载明对于不合规之处的指导意见。
推翻原判决可处理为reverse a judgment。To “reverse” a judgment means to overthrow it by contrary decision. 上诉法院发现审判法院(trail court)犯了会引起偏见的法律错误时,将会推翻原判决。
With respect to decisions relating to the grounds of review stipulated in paragraphs (d) and (e) of paragraph 32 above, the appeals body may affirm, reverse or remand a decision of the Executive Board.
关于就以上第32段(d)和(e) 项规定的复审理由作出的裁决,上诉机构可以维持或推翻执行理事会的决定,或将其发回重审。