在案件审讯结束时,法庭通常会向胜诉方判给讼费。如诉讼双方未能就讼费的数额达成共识,则需要由比如讼费评定官(香港)或Registrar(新加坡)评定讼费。在普通法下,主要有两种评定诉讼费用的方式,即standard basis和indemnity basis。
Standard basis即“标准基础”,表示收取诉讼费的一方必须证明诉讼费用清单(Bill of costs)列出的各项费用为合理发生或合理金额,该等诉讼费才可获得准许。若针对某项费用是否为合理发生或合理金额存在疑问,书记官(Registrar)将以有利于支付诉讼费的一方的准则解决。在香港,该等方式被称为“party and party basis”。
Indemnity basis即“赔偿基础”,表示所有诉讼费均可获得准许,但诉讼费用为不合理金额或不合理发生的除外。若针对某项费用是否为合理发生或合理金额存在疑问,书记官将以有利于收取诉讼费的一方的准则解决。
Subject to the following provisions of this rule, costs to which this rule applies shall be taxed on the party and party basis, and on a taxation on that basis there shall be allowed all such costs as were necessary or proper for the attainment of justice or for enforcing or defending the rights of the party whose costs are being taxed.
If the Tribunal is of the opinion that the allegation or allegations made against the officer were without foundation or that the officer’s defence was without merit, it may make such order as to costs as it considers fair and reasonable in the circumstances, including, if appropriate, an order for such costs to be taxed in the Court of First Instance on the party and party basis.
On a taxation on the indemnity basis all costs shall be allowed except insofar as they are of an unreasonable amount or have been unreasonably incurred and any doubts which the taxing master may have as to whether the costs were reasonably incurred or were reasonable in amount shall be resolved in favour of the receiving party; and in these rules the term the indemnity basis (弥偿基准) in relation to the taxation of costs shall be construed accordingly.
在按弥偿基准评定讼费时,所有讼费均须准予,但如该等讼费的款额不合理或该等讼费是不合理地招致,则属例外,而讼费评定官在讼费是否合理地招致或讼费款额是否合理方面的任何疑问,须按有利于收取讼费的一方的准则解决;在本规则中就讼费评定而言,弥偿基准(the indemnity basis)一词,须据此解释。(来源:《高等法院规则》第62号命令第28条第(4A)款)